About Us
A vibrant way for dramatists to gather, hear scripts read aloud, and share feedback.
PDX Playwrights is a group for playwrights who want to meet, hear their scripts read aloud, and share feedback.
Typically we have about 20 people at each meeting: playwrights, actors, and friends. We encourage you to attend our sessions even if you aren’t bringing a play. New listeners and readers are always welcome!
Our regular readings typically have occurred on the first Tuesdays of each month, with occasional exceptions. We meet in person in Portland, Oregon; because of this live and local focus, we are not able to offer virtual readings to dramatists outside of the Pacific Northwest region. That said, all of our meetings are open to anyone interested in hearing new work read aloud and learning more about PDX Playwrights.
We strive to support Portland playwrights, foster the craft, and honor the lived experiences of all people.
PDX Playwrights and the Festival Within the Festival Lineup
We’re thrilled about our once-again robust showing in the city-wide Fertile Ground Festival of New Work! Check out our Festival Within the Festival lineup, where ticket links are now available to all of our shows, and note that tickets and festival punch passes for all of Fertile Ground are on sale now!
Next Regular Table Read May 6
Because so many of our participants are immersed in Fertile Ground projects with performances in April, there will be no regular meeting April 1. No foolin.’ Our next regular table read will be Tuesday, May 6. Details will be announced. In the meantime, we hope to see you at the “Festival Within the Festival” in Fertile Ground 2025! For descriptions of upcoming activities, please see Events 2025.
Casting Call for actors, directors in PDX Playwrights Festival Projects
Some of our playwrights and project leaders for our pieces within Fertile Ground 2025 are on the lookout for actors and directors. Our casting call is now open. Please check the casting call guidelines located here!

Events 2025
Check out what's next – including our upcoming table readings – and what else might be just ahead, as well as a summary of our other most recent activities. See details on our Events 2025 page by clicking the image above.

Past Events and Archive
We've been at this work more than a decade, and we've been keeping track

Special Events
Here's a great place for news about our participation in the Fertile Ground Festival of New Work via the Portland Area Theatre Alliance. Click on the image above for our Fertile Ground lineup and check this space on our site periodically for news about other special events!
Sign up for our e-newsletter to receive updates about our readings and activities.
Generally speaking, our newsletters arrive two days before our readings.
More details about what we do and how we operate ...
TIME AND PLACE Our sessions typically run 7 to 9 pm. They are free, but a hat is passed to cover administrative costs (suggested donation $5). Regular table readings of plays are on the first Tuesdays of every month -- but sometimes there are exceptions. Our next reading is IF THESE WALLS COULD TALK by MEG WILES, slated for 7 pm Tuesday, March 4 at Portland Playhouse, 602 NE Prescott St. Please check the Events 2024 Page or your latest PDXP newsletter for details about this and other events. If interested in attending or submitting a play for our regular reading sessions, or if you have questions after visiting our information pages on this site, we welcome inquiries: info@pdxplaywrights.org or submit@pdxplaywrights.org
- Operating Hours